Get the books you wish your parents had and learn how to connect with your kids.

Listen to My Newly Released Audio Book!
When Your Kids Push Your Buttons And What You Can Do About It
To raise great kids, you need to be able to understand YOURSELF, as well as your children. When Your Kids Push Your Buttons answers the questions:
- What do I do when my kids are driving me crazy?
- How do I stop reacting?
- AND How can I get my kids to listen?
A must-read for every parent!
“I am not a huge fan of parenting books or self-help books, but I can’t underestimate how helpful I found this book. I don’t think I would be exaggerating to say it has literally changed the way I parent…It completely changed my perception so I can now see my child’s agenda, rather than just my agenda. Because I’m now aware of my emotions and can now assess (most) situations without getting emotionally involved, I’m able to more confidently parent my children.
A fantastic parenting guidebook that’s completely opened my eyes!”
—Christina McDonald
Voted one of the top 10 parenting books by the New York Post.
When Your Kids Push Your Buttons…has a 3.5 out of 4 stars on the New York Post’s top parenting book list!
“Why does a kid’s particular behavior drive you batty? Harris suggests you think back to your own childhood: Maybe that misbehavior is triggering a memory that pushes your buttons. Understanding why you get angry helps.
A straightforward, easy-to-read manual, When Your Kids Push Your Buttons is filled with practical advice gleaned from a course Harris, a parent and family counselor, has taught for several years. Also included are worksheets and step-by-step exercises for breaking free of the past and defusing explosive situations. If you can identify with the title (and what parent can’t?), “Buttons” is worth reading.”
—Rich, The New York Post

Confident Parents, Remarkable Kids:
8 Principles for Raising Kids You’ll Love to Live With
Want to understand your child’s unwanted behaviors and how to effectively manage them - and yourself?
Full of helpful parenting tips and tools, Confident Parents gives you the reasons why these principles work.
It presents the 8 most important aspects of Connective Parenting and then puts them into practice in 7 common daily dilemmas all parents face.
Bonnie is the CHILD WHISPERER!
“Parents… do you want more JOY, HARMONY, and FUN with your children and less DRAMA and TEARS? I highly recommend this book…Many of us learned our parenting skills from our parents. But old parenting techniques (taking things away, punishment, “Do it because I said so!!!”) do not seem to work. Connective Parenting helps parents gain insight into what is really going in the mind of a child and in the mind of the parent. Bonnie provides logical explanations and tangible, useful strategies, which can help reduce daily battles, tears, and drama. Connective Parenting ROCKS and so does Bonnie Harris!”
—Christy Flo
“Bonnie Harris has written a truly informative, practical book that will serve as an invaluable resource for parents and professionals alike. She has skillfully described eight key principles that parents can follow as they raise their children to be more confident, responsible, and resilient. Through real-life stories she offers realistic examples of ways of practicing these principles and dealing with situations that all parents face. She educates us with empathy, compassion, and humor. She is to be commended for writing such an impressive book.”
—Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Faculty Harvard Medical School
Co-author of Raising Resilient Children and Raising a Self-Disciplined Child
Strengthen Your Connective Parenting Mindset with the “Buttons” Workbook and 2-Part Audio Course
The Buttons Workbook
Forty pages of exercises, charts, and actionable practices to help put the skills of what to do “When Your Kids Push Your Buttons” into action. This will help you understand where your buttons come from, how they get triggered, and what you can do to more fully become the parent you want to be.

When Your Kids Push Your Buttons Audio Course Part 1 and 2
Part 1: The reasons we react the way we do and how to reframe our thinking.
Part 2: How our past plays a part in those reactions we hate and how to defuse our buttons.
Defiant behavior, then blame, threats, and yelling, then regret and shame—does this cycle exhaust you? Do you wish you could end this parenting “road rage” and get control of what feels out of your control?
Based on my highly acclaimed book, When Your Kids Push Your Buttons and What You Can Do About It, the Audio Course puts the work in your lap.
Workbook download included.
Looking for More Resources?
Listen to my podcast, Tell Me About Your Kids, to learn how. |
Parenting is hard and you’re not alone. Listen to my podcast to hear real parents, like you, find ways to raise their kids with self-confidence and resilience.