Tag Archives: Drugs

Talking to your Kids about Substance Abuse

By Cassidy Webb

When I started using drugs at 15 years old, I thought my parents had no idea. I was positive that I hid it well,but I was wrong. I thought that because I was still playing basketball and making good grades nobody would know I was abusing drugs and alcohol.

My parents had always planned to move to a small town in Arkansas when I graduated high school so they could build a big beautiful home for retirement, so it came as a surprise when they abruptly told me we were moving the summer before my junior year.

Instead of being honest and telling me we were moving early in an attempt to drag me away from the group of friends I was getting involved with, they told me we were moving because they got a good deal on a piece of land to purchase. I didn’t find out until after I got sober that they were grasping for straws to save my life.

When we moved to Arkansas, nothing changed. I continued to use drugs. I was Read more…

Prevention of Drug Use: Are we looking deep enough?

Prevention of drug useOur state of NH is first in the nation in the horrendous heroin epidemic. Our Governor has appointed a “senior director for substance misuse and behavioral health” who is focusing on prevention by proposing “curriculum infusion” in our schools from kindergarten on up. I applaud this efforts highlighting prevention, which is intended to raise children’s awareness of how their bodies work—and don’t work.

However, when I see the word prevention connected to any program dealing with children’s well-being, I am no longer surprised by the blatant neglect of addressing the root of prevention—the family. Whether we are talking about bullying, resilience, school success, drugs and alcohol, high risk behaviors, you name it—the preventative factors begin at home in the parent-child relationship.

I’m sure that many teachers and administrators will agree with me that we over-stress schools with the work that should be done at home. While it most definitely needs to continue in schools, if the true work of prevention is not handled at home, schools cannot be accountable for filling the child’s need for connection.

And that of Read more…

Do you know about cough medicine abuse?

We’re hearing a lot of scary stuff these days about crazy new drugs and worst of all, the cheapness and ease of obtaining heroin. More than ever we are scared for our children’s futures when their lives can turn on a dime. What we’re learning is that the new gateway to heavy drug use is through the family medicine cabinet. Both prescription medications and even over-the-counter drugs such as cough medicine are quick, easy highs. You need to know about this.

The following is a guest blog written by Becky Dyer of the Five Moms whose mission is to raise awareness of cough medicine abuse. Becky addresses the questions we all have about how to approach our kids if you suspect they are abusing.

Image for Becky's Blog Post

How to Approach Your Teen if You Suspect Cough Medicine Abuse

Our teens have a lot going on. They are juggling classes, extracurricular activities, family and friends, while also trying to figure out their own identities. This balancing act can be a source of anxiety for our teens, which can potentially lead them to engage in Read more…