I’m heading out tomorrow to Seattle to give 4 different workshops at the La Leche conference in Redmond. And then on Monday, I leave for San Francisco to do a number of workshops and talks. Please check out my newsletter – http://www.bonnieharris.com/newsletter.html – to see details and contact information in the Upcoming schedule section. There are still openings in the workshops and there are two different talks open to the public. I’d love to see you there and tell your friends and relatives in the area.
One of the talks is on my most popular topic: When Your Kids Push Your Buttons, based on my book by the same name. The other is called Getting to the Root: Understanding What Your Child’s Behavior is Trying to Tell You. We all have this idea that behavior is either good or bad and if we react negatively to or punish bad behavior, it will motivate our children to behave better. When has that ever worked? Ever work on you? Not unless you were afraid of what would happen if you didn’t. We ow it to our children to understand what they are trying to tell us and realize that misbehavior means your child is having a problem, not being a problem.
Also there are still openings in the workshop When Your Kids Push Your Buttons on 2 mornings from 9:30-12:30. This can be a life-changing workshop when you understand that when your child pushes your buttons, she could be teaching you the most important lesson you’ll ever have.
We are trying to find the Bonnie Harris that was a patient of Pete Van Patten in the in 1993-94. She gave us a beautiful piece of art before we moved and her return address was lost in the move. I recently found the note and the artist’s message and would love to know if you are the Bonnie Harris that Pete remembers so fondly. Please leave a message with us if your might be the friend he remembers. ” The Seeker has been bringing us happiness for 20 years and I hope this is finally the thank you note I wanted to write many years ago.
Karen Van Patten
Karen and Pete – I am very sorry to say I am not that Bonnie Harris. Keep on looking!