There’s a Crack in Everything

These are dark times even though it’s getting lighter outside. None of us ever imagined—even a month ago—that we would be sheltered in our homes, fearing the coronavirus, learning daily the frightening number of new cases and deaths, unable to get together with friends and family, wearing masks when food supplies must be refilled, and disinfecting mail and groceries.

Who knew we would either be lucky enough to be home with children scrambling to figure out how to homeschool and keep them occupied or unlucky enough to be an “essential worker” unable to be home with children out of school for who knows how long? Or to be alone. Or to be sick.

The unknown is frightening. When will Covid-19 be a thing of the past? Will it? When will we feel safe to send our kids back to school? Will we have a job, a business, a salary when this is over? Will town businesses, restaurants, and theaters reopen? What will life be like?

My favorite Leonard Cohen song is Anthem. I get a chill every time I hear, “There’s a crack, a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in.” What an image for this time. There are cracks in this darkness and the light can come in when we see those cracks. But we have to look for them.

Here are some of the cracks I’m seeing:

  • We share this coronavirus with everyone on earth. We have never known such common ground. There is togetherness in that.
  • We have learned that the reason we must stay inside is not only for our own safety but the safety of others, even those we may never know. By staying inside, we are saving lives. By staying home, we are being productive.
  • We have been thrust into the present moment. Each day we are forced into the now more than ever before. There is so much we cannot do; so much we have no control over. There is calm to be found in that.
  • Parents typically catastrophize imagining many fears for their children’s lives and futures, most of which are unrealistic and a waste of energy. No fear found the image of this. The lesson here is you never know what’s coming. So just stay present.
  • No school brings opportunity for thinking outside the box and connecting with children in brand new ways. Many can start each day with cuddles instead of rushing to get out the door on time.
  • No school gives your children opportunities to learn differently. Worry less about the schoolwork to be done and focus more on the sponges they are when allowed to direct their own learning. It may take time—and trust. Spend more time watching and listening instead of directing.
  • When you watch, you will find new capabilities in your children. Call on them, give them projects, find new responsibilities they can meet. They can learn so much more now about running a household.
  • We are finding new ways of being together as a family. The screentime we have tried to keep our children from is now our window on the world. Our screens offer the connective venue we have with loved ones as well as a font of knowledge and information for both learning and entertainment. Imagine if we didn’t have our screens.
  • We are learning new ways of connecting with the outside world. Work from home is dependent on connections via screens. This will likely alter our future.
  • We are more aware of our universal human fragility, no matter rich or poor, no matter gender or race or nationality. This virus knows no boundaries. We are learning how important it is to take care of one another. Compassion has an enormous opportunity to grow within each of us.
  • Gratitude is abundant these days. There are so many essential workers out there risking their health and lives so life can go on as smoothly as possible for the rest of us. Naming specific workers each night at dinner time is a wonderful way to teach children gratitude for what they take for granted.
  • The earth is getting a breather! Skies are clearer all over the world. The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller. In the big picture, perhaps this virus is a correction rather than a disaster.

Of course, none of this is meant to diminish all the sadness and grief at the loss of so many. This pandemic brings daily news that we are unfortunately getting used to. The numbers are getting blurry. We must keep focused on our families and what we can do within the microcosm of the macrocosm so when this is over—god willing—we can emerge from our isolation stronger than ever.

We can choose panic or presence and patience. We don’t know what is ahead or when this will end. But one thing is for sure. All of us have fear and most of us have hope. What is essential is that we care for our fears and those of our loved ones so that we can get to the hope. If we try to be stoic and stuff all our emotions whirling inside, fear will surely turn to panic and that helps no one.

To avoid panic, we need compassion—first and foremost for ourselves so we can find compassion for everyone else. These are the times more than any other to give yourself and your children a break. These are the times to practice Being More, Teaching Less.

Each day, think:

What can I let go of today?

What can I do for myself today?

How can I connect today?

What can I forgive today?

What can I do for someone else today?

How can I let my child self-direct and learn today?

What fear of the future can I drop today?

We are all in this together. We know that these cycles come and go. This too shall pass. Stay well and stay safe in the meantime.

The When Your Kids Push Your Buttons Audio Course
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why did I DO that??”
Wish you knew what else to do?


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2 thoughts on “There’s a Crack in Everything

  1. Your article, “There is a Crack in Everything,” is excellent and deserves wider exposure. It speaks to everything Jim and I have been thinking and feeling. And further, it points out the positives that we need to remember while we endure our limited lives. Your words are both salient and uplifting. Please send it as a Letter to the Editor of newspapers near and far. Or, may I send it to my local paper with your byline?

  2. Beautiful Bonnie! So well said — so helpful!! I will be passing this on to many others! Hope you are doing well!

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