Counseling Plan 3: Every Step of The Way

Email or Contact Bonnie for payment options.

Work with me and receive priority attention to develop solutions for your family’s needs.

  • Cost: $2200
  • One 90-minute private counseling session every week for 3 months. This will allow for more in-depth counseling, familiarity with your situation, and priority focus from me.
  • Three supplementary half-hour phone check-ins, as needed between sessions or an extra 90-minute session.
  • Access to interim advice via email for my feedback between sessions on your questions or issues as they arise. I will reply quickly to help you navigate immediate situations or pressing questions.
  • My audio seminar: When Your Kids Push Your Buttons – includes workbook
  • Articles specific to your areas of concern will be personally selected and sent to your inbox.
  • Specific goals established at the beginning and evaluation and future steps at the end of our time
  • Schedule ahead to make sure you get the dates and times you want.


family pumpkin carving

Each counseling plan is designed to provide you with the best strategies and techniques to help you build strength and understanding in your relationship with your child

Email Bonnie to schedule a free half hour consultation to determine what is right for you.